clm825 Example

Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics


i am a normal person.

Friday, September 15, 2006

What is the use of condom?

A girl looks at a dress made of condoms by Brazilian artist Adriana Bertini at the International AIDS Conference in Toronto August 17, 2006. (Reuters)

It makes me shocked as the dress made of condoms. I think the dress whether girls or women can wear these! It is really like the real dress however. I won't try to wear these!
Why does the artist have this inspiration?? It is strange for me but I appreciate his unprecedented creation. Hardly does it show the condoms' dress in Hong Kong.
What is the use of condom? Maybe it can inspire you to make more creation rather than the sex.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

An old man making his own art

I am a F.7 student now so I know it will be extremely hard in coming days. I'm nothing to say about our homework... However, I want to mark down a strange experience that happened on me in the evening. After school, I had to buy a new book so that I went to Kowloon City with Candy, Katie, Vicky, Jo, Carol & Fish. Then, Candy & I went to buy the drinks and we passed through the Kowloon Walled City Park. We met an old man and he said to us take the map of the park. When we walked near him, he asked us which school we are studying at and he started to introduce his own art - tear the paper. He made our school name and promoted himself how famous he was. Although we weren't very interested about his art, I had to wait for his completed work. We thanked him very much but then he talked about the history of Kowloon City. Therefore, we heard it for a long time until 8.00pm. I was quite stupid but I can learn more things about Chinese Culture. Maybe it is good but the time is not suitable!!!

<---He's really famous about making his own art- tearing. Maybe you can see his in the Kowloon Walled City Park. He likes to talk with westerners even though his English is not very good. Moreover, he had a stall at TST so if you are interesting in his art, you can find him and he will talk a lot of things to you! Maybe, I will also promote his feature to all the people around me. It's quite funny!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

A one-day tour in Yeun Long

I am very lucky that make a friend with Walkman. We knew each other throught the pervious course that interviewed some artists and celebrities. (If you notice my blog, you will know that!) In the summer holiday, she took me to Yeun Long where she lives and studies in there. Although it was a one-day tour, I thought it was very happy! :-) In the morning, we went to review some notes that were history. Then, we went to the place that was full of the birds. In fact, I was afraid of the birds as they could fly anywhere but some of them were caught by the cage! We climbed the stairs about 6 floor...It's tiring! However, we could see the beautiful view of Yeun Long, Ting Sheung Wan... Afterwards, I tried a stick with curried chicken and it costed $5. I thought it' s quite cheap and the taste was good! And we ate the famous food of Yeun Long - bean jelly! It's very large but the place was not clean... I won't try this again as the hygiene was bad! Finally, we went to play the latest car game and it's absolutely exciting. When I finished the game, I felt a little bit dizzy! Then, I took a bus back home!

Friday, August 25, 2006

My birthday

I am 18-year old now! I want to do something that I can't do when I was below 18. For example, buying mark 6, going casino, going pubs, bars and disco... I think I can't do these in the moment but I have to make some changes.
I met my friends at the afternoon. Then, we went to have a Korean barbeque buffet in Mong Kok. However, I wasn't very happy because it didn't look like celebrating my birthday. Finished the buffet, they gave me a present that made me surprised as the present was a red packet. :-) Therefore, my friends can let me give buy my favourites!
Afterwards, I met Candy at Wong Tai Sin. I thought she was quite strange! Actually, Swan, Vicky and Carol were here and they bought a birthday cake for me. I would guess this but not make sure... Anyway, I was glad that my friends could spend their time on my birthday. I knew they kept the secret behind me was a hard work as you had to keep the mystery and also gave the surprise for me! So, I was thankful to my best friends for celebrating my great 18th birthday in my life. :-)

By the way, I gained lots of definitely gorgeous photos that took in Stanley last Sunday. The photos were taken by two photographers for unformal models. ( Candy, Sylvia, Vera & I joined a make-up course so that we can have this chance to be a model.) ^^

Monday, August 14, 2006

Ice Carve

In the hot summer, where can we go? I had a good suggestion that to see the ice carve in Tai Koo Cityplaza. However, you have to notice the rules that are below .

1. Don't wear the shorts & skirt!
2. Don't wear the sandals!
3. $20 entrance fee
(all the money will be sent to World Vision)

Maybe it was quite boring because you just took photos & appreciated to the Ice Carve for a short time... I thought we were very patient as we stayed in the 'fridge' (-5 degrees Centigrade) almost a hour although we had wore a warm jacket. And finally, you can play the iced slide! That's all of the HK's Ice Carve...

Friday, August 04, 2006

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's

I think the film is not very good because you need to see the first one - Pirates of Caribbean : The curse of ... and then when you finished the second one, you have to see the third one... Although I like the story, I don't like the long long version. Therefore, if there are 5 stars of the top favorite film, I will give 2 stars...

Friday, July 21, 2006

HKCU' s Trip

Trip again... I was very lucky that I joined a 2 nights & 3 days trip held by HKCU. Actually, I have joined this activity for 3 years and I kept about 4 camp tees. This time, we had to design a logo for our own group. It was different from last time! Moreover, we lived in the university' s dormitory and I lived with my friend Sylvia but we weren't in the same group... On the first night, We talked with each other for a long time because she had lots of secrets behind me so she didn't want to lose this chance to talk to me non-stop... Even though I wanted to sleep, she persuaded me to not fall asleep... Poor! In the camp, the main point was 'creative' so that we had to use our brains thinking some strange stuff. The most important part of the trip was making a car that could move and have a seat for one of our group's members. The host gave us $600 to buy the materials and the lunch of ecah group's member. Using our creative, we made a car that had lots of weapon and those are forks, spoons, knives and the feature pump! The car looked like a tank but I thought it wasn't a simple tank! Eventually, We won this game! I remember that I was also the champion of last time's competition! :-)

can you see the tank?

HKCU' s Trip

It's the sunset at the HKCU! However, I couldn't see it because I was still sleeping in my bed... The photos were taken by my group's member. Do you think it is absolutely gorgeous? :-)

By the way, he's one of my group's members...don't you think he looks like a cartoon character? When I heard my other group's members talking about ICE AGE, most people and I think he looks really like this cartoon...

Kiki, bye!

My best friend Kiki has already flied to England to continue her studies. I am glad to hear that she can be indepentant. But on the other hand, I will miss her very much, espeially her laughs. She brought me a lot of happiness in my F.5. We knew each other because I teached her some skills to review. Then, we became to very familiar. I remembered she always encourged me to try my best in everything... and I always treated her like this! I know she just leaves us for 4 years for studies and she will come to HK every summer holiday. However, I started to be bored as I can't always hear her voice and her laughs...
I will keep in touch with her until we are old! Friendship Forever!!! x100