clm825: HKCU' s Trip Example

Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics


i am a normal person.

Friday, July 21, 2006

HKCU' s Trip

Trip again... I was very lucky that I joined a 2 nights & 3 days trip held by HKCU. Actually, I have joined this activity for 3 years and I kept about 4 camp tees. This time, we had to design a logo for our own group. It was different from last time! Moreover, we lived in the university' s dormitory and I lived with my friend Sylvia but we weren't in the same group... On the first night, We talked with each other for a long time because she had lots of secrets behind me so she didn't want to lose this chance to talk to me non-stop... Even though I wanted to sleep, she persuaded me to not fall asleep... Poor! In the camp, the main point was 'creative' so that we had to use our brains thinking some strange stuff. The most important part of the trip was making a car that could move and have a seat for one of our group's members. The host gave us $600 to buy the materials and the lunch of ecah group's member. Using our creative, we made a car that had lots of weapon and those are forks, spoons, knives and the feature pump! The car looked like a tank but I thought it wasn't a simple tank! Eventually, We won this game! I remember that I was also the champion of last time's competition! :-)

can you see the tank?


  • At 10:54 PM, September 12, 2006, Blogger clm825 said…

    You don't need to be jealous of me. You can also go to CU by KCR(you don't need to enter),you can see the sunset of HKCU everyday as there is a scenic spot for any people who wants to appreciate this. So you can do this now!


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