clm825: Silent Hill Example

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i am a normal person.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Silent Hill

I don't think it is a good film but it may be a good computer game. I know this film is feature of the game - Silent Hill. Many people want to watch this film as the game is very horrible! But actually, I don't think the film is very horrible! I was just afraid of some girls screamed as loudly as they could. Hahaa... Ice, Swan and Candy are very amusing as they looked like very frightened... When the film finished, they all said the film is not very horrible. It's strange for me what they said! :-)


  • At 9:07 AM, May 23, 2006, Blogger John C said…

    It doesn't sound like my type of film.

  • At 7:53 PM, May 26, 2006, Blogger Ms Chau said…

    My 6B students said it's a suspending story. They were not silent at all when watching the film, screaming all the time. Silent Hill Vs Noisy cinema

  • At 11:49 AM, May 27, 2006, Blogger clm825 said…

    RE: John
    So, what types of film do you like?

    RE: Walkman
    Yes! I asked someone who had played the games so that she went to cinema and she thought the game is more horrible! The end is about the little girl and her mum went to the world that is not related to the reality.

    RE: Ms Chau
    Ha...Maybe they wanted to scare you!

  • At 9:20 PM, May 29, 2006, Blogger John C said…

    Natalie - I think you know me. I like more meaningful films with a decent story. It can be a comedy, suspense, romance etc. It has to have a good script. I generally don't like American films and prefer European or Australian films. The last film I saw was MatchPoint and tomorrow I am going to see Sophie Scholl's Final Days (a German film). I quite enjoyed Syrianna and Crash - both American films so there are some American films I like :-)

  • At 11:20 PM, June 02, 2006, Blogger clm825 said…

    Yes, I agree with you. But I haven't heard Syrianna and Crash in HK as HK hasn't shown those on the cinema. I saw some information about the films and they sound very exciting and amazung. However, HK's cinema will show them during in June or later... Maybe I will go to enjoy the film because of your recommendation.


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