clm825: Kind but Stupid Example

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i am a normal person.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Kind but Stupid

Am I kind? Yes. Am I stupid? Yes. I think I was very unlucky because I was cheated by a woman and a man. On Wednesday, I went to Shatin to have a course. Then, a woman came near me and asked me borrowed her $5. Actually, it was not a problem so I gave her.
But on Saturday, I went to Lok Fu to buy something. On the way, a man asked me to borrow him $40 as he lost his wallet. In fact, I thought he wouldn't cheat me because he left his phone number for me and he promised he would give the money back. However, I discovered the phone number is false. How poor am I !?
Why can I meet both people who cheated me in this week?? :-(((
Should I still be kind? Maybe I won't be.


  • At 8:34 AM, April 17, 2006, Blogger Kuromi said…

    Poor Natalie! You were just unlucky. You still need to be kind to everyone but you should be careful.

  • At 11:03 AM, April 18, 2006, Blogger clm825 said…

    Re: Posion ivy
    Your suggestion is good! I would have a clear mind to think wheather the person need the money or not! Now, I would think those people cheated me as they were really necessary!

    Re: Walkman
    Haha...the same comment that you had told me! Watch more police magazine(警訊)... I will!

  • At 1:54 PM, April 24, 2006, Blogger John C said…

    Umm, that's a pity that people cheat like that. The end result is that everyone becomes suspicious of each other.

  • At 4:48 PM, April 26, 2006, Blogger clm825 said…

    Right! If people become suspicious of each other, no one can be trustworthy!


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