clm825: Brokeback Mountain Example

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i am a normal person.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

After school, I went to watch a film- Brokeback Mountain, with Candy and Vera. The film is so attractive for me as the content is about homosexuality. However, I don't think the film is very good. The film started by two cowboys (Jack & Ennis) who fall in love almost by accident. I don't think they are so easy to fall in love. By the way, Ennis had been engaged to Emma.
And I think Emma is so poor (they have 2 daughters) as she doesn't know her husband having another partner - Jack. About Jack, he also got married and had a little boy. One day, Ennis got a postcard from Jack. And then, Emma discovered Ennis and Jack were kissing. How come!!! Ennis divorced Emma. Finally, Ennis had a bad news that Jack died. He phoned to Jack' s wife and asked her about Jack' s death. In fact, everyone had known Jack' s relationship with Ennis before Jack died. Ennis and Jack knew each other in Brokeback Mountain so that Jack hoped his bone ash would bury in Borkeback Mountain. Moreover, Ennis discovered Jack' s wardrobe had two T-shirts that they wore on the first working trip in Brokeback Mountain. At the same way, Ennis also put the clothes in his wardrobe. That' s all of the film.

The ending can impress me a lot as they really love each other. However, they made their wives and families sad. Is it worthwhile to sacrifice their original lifestyle? We can' t block their rights to love the same gender but should they clearify their true love belonging to their lovers? He/ She?


  • At 11:12 AM, March 07, 2006, Blogger John C said…

    I commented on the film in class. I thought it was just ok..... but a very slow-moving story. Gay love is the hot topic of the year but for me it didn't really make for a good film.

  • At 1:51 AM, March 09, 2006, Blogger clm825 said…

    Yes, I really agree with you. The film is boring for me as the slow-moving story. When I was watching the film, I almost fell asleep. z..z..ZZ Perhaps, the film can be successful because of its promotion.

  • At 11:47 PM, March 12, 2006, Blogger Ms Chau said…

    I watched the film last Friday. I didn't fall asleep, neither did my husband. Though the pace is slow but the scenes are terrific. You can feel Lee Ann's style. And the love and relationship between the cowboys linger in my mind for quite a while. But I think young kids like you would not feel the same. I am so old la...My mentality is much older than Mr Croft la

  • At 2:44 AM, March 17, 2006, Blogger clm825 said…

    It is true that Ms Chau is more mature than me la! Lee Ann is really an excellent director! However, I can't really feel the two cowboys' love at the first showing they are interested in each other into the camp. Then, they had married with their wives so that I don't understand why the two cowboys love each other very much. Maybe I hadn't such an experience in my life so I can't understand. Hence, it make me feel bored. :-)

  • At 6:28 AM, March 22, 2006, Blogger John C said…

    The director's name is actually Ang Lee.

    The topic, 'homosexual love' is "hot" but just think if it had been about a normal heterosexual love affair the film would have died because it was so slow. There are much better 'gay' films out there including Capote. It's amazing how the power of advertsing and the media can affect people's thoughts so much.

  • At 8:35 PM, April 02, 2006, Blogger clm825 said…

    Actually, I agree with you. I wanted to watch this film because of the promotion.


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