clm825: September 2005 Example

Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics


i am a normal person.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Film - The Full Monty

The cover --->
They' re dancing --->
There' re drama -->Today is Day One. We can enjoy a film, called the full monty.

I searched the Internet about this movie. There are lots of options to choose. Actually, I looked up the word - monty form the dictatory. I didn' t find any explanation about it. However, when I remembered John you said the film' s name meaning is getting rid of everything.
I think the film is not suitable for us as the story' s theme is about adults. Talking a man how to make money in order to see his son. Can I say the main character - Gaz is a very lazy person? He doesn' t do anything is useful and make him more hard-working. He' s just think dancing is good. It' s quite impossible! Finally, the story told us everything is possible . Don' t just think and you should try to do whatever the thing is never happen! Therefore, the ending behind the story is quite meaningful. ;)
Anyway, the film is quite interesting as the men wear off !!

Sunday, September 25, 2005


Oh... my goodness! I got a cold and I felt sick. I just slept all day. So tired. I don' t want to sleep as I need to do my homework. Hope my illness will be better. :)

Mood depends on myself

Typhoon signals 3 hoisted. Today, I need go to school having a short talk about Canada study tour. Actually, my sister promised me she' ll come but she didn' t come. Eventually, just only myself went to school. Having this raining day, my mood is quite down. But whatever, I' m so excited as I can go to Canada in next summer holiday.^^There are a wonderful environment for living and studing. Mm... I' m quite expected the tour despite today' s weather made me feel down. ;)

Friday, September 23, 2005

Aerobic Dance For Girl?

Today when I finished the school lessons, I went to home and changed the clothe to prepare my last aerobic dance training course. It started at 7. 30. Most of the participants are middle-agaed ladies. ^^ Sure I' m not ! I have a few friends also joined together since the summer holiday comed. Actucally, playing aerobic dance no one is a boy. Is the sport just for females? Or the males think gym will be more suitable for males? So strange ! (?_?)

Monday, September 19, 2005

Play time

I could have a BBQ with my friends, although the weather wasn' t good.

On the day, I dated with my friends at noon. When I went out, there was a heavy rain and I didn' t bring any umbrellas. :( I' m wet overall. Then, I arrived the gathered place, my friends suggested me to buy a raincoat. After that, the weather changed. There was fine so I wasted my money. :(

By the way, we took the bus to Sha Tin. When we arrivrd, we were playing togather until the BBQ started. And I tried to ride the bicycle as I haven' t play it for a long time. Actucally, some adults have already prepared all the things for us. ^^ I helped the others spread the honey on their food and my friends help me barbecue the food. It' s so fair !

But suddenly, the weather was raining, so we just stopped the BBQ. My friends went upstairs to her room and we sat around and played games together. When we went inside the room, we all discovered a terrible thing - Gecko. (>_<) Some of my friends screamed.

Although I didn' t screamed, I' m also frightened.

<--John, your pet - gecko!

Time runs like flies. Some adults told us it' s time to go home so we picked our bags and went out to find a bus stop. On the way, we sang a song together. That's amazing and fantastic ! Arrived to Wong Tai Sin Mourse Park, some of my friends suggested playing candles. Hee hee... we discovered a snail so we use the candles to burn the snail. We never wonder the snail is so strong. It doesn' t die. Natural power ! :)

Finally, we played at the midnight. When I arrived home, my family has already slept. ;)

Friday, September 16, 2005

Moon Festival - Good / Bad

The moon is so charming
But I heard the forecast reported that the Moon Festival' s weather isn' t good. :<

Today is Friday. That' s great but I have a lot of homework. Really thank you, John. ~_~ Then, I need to review my new course of history as I have a test on 20 Sept. Oh ... my goodness ! I' m very busy on the holiday.

By the way, I' ll go on a date with my friends on Moon Festival and we' ll have a BBQ' s dinner but if the waether isn' t good, the BBQ will be cancelled. After the BBQ, I' ll go to a park to play candles with my friends. The park that is near my home so I can play until the midnight. ^^

Actually, I just want to play on the whole holiday but I can' t. I should arrange the suitable schedule for myself. :( Having this 3-days holiday, is it enough ?? I don' t think so as we need to do our homework in the holiday too. Is it good or bad for us ??? ~_~

Thursday, September 15, 2005


That' s great :) I' ve finished my story book. I think the book isn' t good for me because the book is quite boring. Although the book is about romance, the plot isn' t attractive. It' s about a couple ( Stephen & Anna ) take a holiday break in a seaside village to escape the stress of London. Then, we make a friend who live in the seaside village and he is a fishman. One day, Stephen need to go back to London because of his work. Just leave Anna in the place. However, Anna fall in love with the local fishman. Oh ... my god! I never think the story is so strange and it make me feel very confused. Why can the woman love her husband and the local fishman both ? It' s impossible. I think her husband is so poor. Moreover, if Anna really loves her husband Stephen, she can' t do something wrong with him. :( Therefore, I' m quite confused about the matter with Anna. I can' t make a good decision for her and the book' s ending does' t mention. Confused ...

Later, I need to think about the book report how to do it ... especially the ending - happy?? Or sad??? Confused ...


Haha... I' m in school now (it was typed at 11. 15 AM ) as John need us to change the style of journal so that he taught us to use this diary - Blogger . Actucally, i like this way to express my thinkings and everything that I want with my friends, although we need more time to adapt as we need typing.

These few days passed, I feel very tired as my brain doesn' t ready for getting used to have lessons. (maybe the holiday is too long for me, and I haven' t get any part time work )

By the way, when I was after school today, I saw a westerner asked some people how to get somewhere, but the people didn't understand. In fact, I want to help her but I' m so shy. On the way, I thought the matter again and again. Why I can't be more active to help her. ~_~ Therefore, I decided I will try to help someone next time. ^^