clm825: National Day Example

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i am a normal person.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

National Day

Every National Day is a public holiday.
Therefore, being a student is very happy.

On the day, I had a BBQ again. ^^ This time we had 9 people to go barbecue. Do you think there are most of people? In the morning, we joined together. Then, we divided into two groups in order to buy different things. One of the group bought some food that is raw and fresh. Another bought some forks, plates, water, carbon and honey in the supermarket. When we finished the shopping, we took a taxi to Lion Rock. Oh... there were filled with people! We had to wait for the people until they went. We used about four hours for waiting. ~_~ Actually, when we were waiting, one of my friends sang a song, then, a woman asked her couldn't you sing the song as I don' t want to listen any music. Although we were waiting and it made us all felt very tired, I felt it is so funny. By the way, we could enjoy the process of the whole activity. Moreover, we' ll find some people reserve for the bbq' s place next time so that we don' t need to spend too much time on waiting. ;) Then, we toook a lot of photos to leave our memory. Finished the barbecue, we played some games, such as, walking on the diffierent rock. It' s very painful !!! we not only need to pair up and use the rope to tie the foot walking together. But also we need to drink a cup of the water at the end. It' s quite funny but my feet are not funny! ( John, do you know walking on this types of rock is good for our health? Many elders like doing this activity in the morning. )
When we were playing, we heard the sound. Do you know what sound did we hear? As you know today is National Day, so we would display the fire work. We could hear the sound but we couldn' t see anything, just lots of grey cloud. Finally, we went home at night. ^^ Today really is a nice day as I can enjoy the bbq and the games very much.


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