clm825: July 2006 Example

Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics


i am a normal person.

Friday, July 21, 2006

HKCU' s Trip

Trip again... I was very lucky that I joined a 2 nights & 3 days trip held by HKCU. Actually, I have joined this activity for 3 years and I kept about 4 camp tees. This time, we had to design a logo for our own group. It was different from last time! Moreover, we lived in the university' s dormitory and I lived with my friend Sylvia but we weren't in the same group... On the first night, We talked with each other for a long time because she had lots of secrets behind me so she didn't want to lose this chance to talk to me non-stop... Even though I wanted to sleep, she persuaded me to not fall asleep... Poor! In the camp, the main point was 'creative' so that we had to use our brains thinking some strange stuff. The most important part of the trip was making a car that could move and have a seat for one of our group's members. The host gave us $600 to buy the materials and the lunch of ecah group's member. Using our creative, we made a car that had lots of weapon and those are forks, spoons, knives and the feature pump! The car looked like a tank but I thought it wasn't a simple tank! Eventually, We won this game! I remember that I was also the champion of last time's competition! :-)

can you see the tank?

HKCU' s Trip

It's the sunset at the HKCU! However, I couldn't see it because I was still sleeping in my bed... The photos were taken by my group's member. Do you think it is absolutely gorgeous? :-)

By the way, he's one of my group's members...don't you think he looks like a cartoon character? When I heard my other group's members talking about ICE AGE, most people and I think he looks really like this cartoon...

Kiki, bye!

My best friend Kiki has already flied to England to continue her studies. I am glad to hear that she can be indepentant. But on the other hand, I will miss her very much, espeially her laughs. She brought me a lot of happiness in my F.5. We knew each other because I teached her some skills to review. Then, we became to very familiar. I remembered she always encourged me to try my best in everything... and I always treated her like this! I know she just leaves us for 4 years for studies and she will come to HK every summer holiday. However, I started to be bored as I can't always hear her voice and her laughs...
I will keep in touch with her until we are old! Friendship Forever!!! x100

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Cheung Chau Trip

Cheung Chau is really a good place! When we arrived at there, we rented a flat that cost $400/day. Then, we tried a big big fish ball and a bowl of noodle as our lunch. Finished the lunch, we went to the flat and take a rest. (HK people' s lifestyle) I thought we were so stpuid that we didn't go to the famous place - Chung Po Chai Cave (It' s the HK pirate Chung Po Chai' s treasure) If you were fat, I wouldn't go into there. By the way, you should take a torch because there is very dark. Then, we went to the wet market and bought lots of food to make a dinner for ourselves. Maybe we wanna to be housewives! Or we wanna learn more living skills. :-) Finished the dinner, we watched the TV but I disliked this typical lifestyle as we were in Chung Chai. So we should make some changes! Afterwards, I went to the street with some friends. I enjoyed the show that the residents were singing the old songs on the street but it wasn' t good for us!

<-- a small bed

<-- designed by Natalie!!!

Cheung Chau Trip

When we went near the pier, we took a few photos and some people told us NOT TO TAKE PHOTOS BECAUSE YOU WILL SEE THE GHOST IN THE PHOTO. Heard about this, we became afraid of the atmosphere. In fact, there are lots of ghost stories about Chung Chau because some people like to rent a flat and buy a pack of charcoal to commit suicide. It' s quite shameful that people give up all the opportunities to change the facts. However, I didn't know why we were afraid of the ghost. At midnight, we discovered something strange in the digital camera!! We sat around and talked about the photos that we took near the pier. 'A head!' someone shouted out. Because of my curious, I took a look. Then, I screamed. Oh... god! It made everybody scared. (According to some rumors, girls represented dark, mysterious, something negative. So girls would see the ghost easily.) Maybe I am quite superstitious so I fell asleep quickly that I could forget everything.

On the other hand, a part of girls still played card game until 3.00AM. Everything passed, everying's good! On the next day morning, my friend (only1) and I went to the beach swimming. The beach was very dirty because you couldn't see the water clearly. However, we could see the tiny fish around you when we dived in the water. Overall, that is quite boring for me as the lifestyle is the same in the city. Maybe we should set some games! Don' t stay in the small flat...

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Australia's study tour

It's really a great time for me to go abroad learning more different cultures in Australia. When I arrived here, I thought it was really comfortable for me! However, I think our host family is not as good as we thoughts because she won't change her living style and we have to follow her lifestyle. By the way, our homestay has lots of students from different countries. It's also a good time to communicate with them, even though we speak in the worst English. And I discovered all of us don't like the food that our host family had made. (It proves our host family is not good at cooking.) ^^ Anyway, we have to adapt the new lifestyle of different cultures so that I can know more new things that I don't know. When I come back to HK, I can also share my experiences with my family and friends. :-)

here you are -->