clm825: No-regret Decision Example

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i am a normal person.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

No-regret Decision

There was no special things happened. However, when I went home, I got a call that is my sister. She asked me did I have any interest in joining the Leon Lai' s concert. Since I had a lot of work to do and I need to review my test on tomorrow, I rejected her. Moreover, I didn' t want to go out at night. But my sister called me again as she didn' t find any friends to go with her enjoying the concert. Hence, I promised her. She dated me at Hung Hom KCR station at 8 pm. Then, we went to there together. In fact, it' s my first time to go there. Going into the hall, it' s filled with people. The concert' s starting time is 8.15pm but it started at 8.30pm. Actucally, there were many fans to shake our beautiful sticks in the dark. When Leon was singing, his fans screamed. If I were the singer Leon Lai, I would be very excited and happy that the fans support me for a long time. In the concert, there were some acrobatics show. That' s very wonderful! At the ending, we had a chance to hold the singer' s hand. I am glad that I could touch him. ^^ By the way, I took a lot of photos in the concert. (But I don' t why I can' t post the photos on the blogger. Maybe my computer' s problem. If I have chance, I will show them.)
Finally, my sister caught a taxi with me as she wanted me to review and finish my homework as soon as possible. I went home at 11.15pm. Then, I finished all my work at midnight. I just have 3 hours to sleep. I'm very tired. However, I have no regret at all because I could enjoy a great show!


  • At 3:04 PM, October 16, 2005, Blogger ASAM said…

    Love your donald duck and animation like things on your site. It is interesting to see how people from different parts of the world write. Some words are very different than in my country.

  • At 3:41 PM, October 16, 2005, Blogger clm825 said…

    Haha... My writting is not good enough but I am very glad that I can know you in the site. In fact, I also want to see different things in the world. ^^

  • At 9:24 AM, October 22, 2005, Blogger John C said…

    Wow, Natalie, you're so lucky to have had a comment from someone in Canada. That's really good. Also, I'm happy you had a good time at Leon Lai's concert. That's a great way to relax. I wish there were more concerts in HK. I hope Missy Higgins comes soon :-)

  • At 3:46 PM, October 23, 2005, Blogger clm825 said…

    ^^ Thank you, John.
    Mm...When Missy Higgins will come to HK, I think the concert will have to impress everyone enjoying her songs. ;)


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