clm825: December 2005 Example

Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics


i am a normal person.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Xam's Eve

X'mas came... So my friends and I had a meeting that went to TST and Central see the beautiful night view. First, we had a dinner. Then, we went to TST but there were so many people standing and waiting for the permission of the police so that the people can walk near the harbour. However, we didn't want to wait anymore so we changed our destination--->Central. That's an good idea as Central had a Town that the government has spent a lot of money on attracting the locals and visitors. Although there were less people than TST, we had to wait. :-( Finally, when we were waiting for going into the town, some people shouted 3, 2, 1 ... Then, most people said MERRY CHRISTMAS to their friends, families and so on. As my friends and I didn't feel the time is 12.00AM, we just followed the people shouting. Haha... we are so silly! Even though some of my friends had already gone, I was really pleased the christmas' coming because then we will have a party in order to celebrate the X'mas! SO GREAT !! ^^

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

TV's Song Progrmme

I was really lucky that I had a chance to join a TV programme with my friends. Haha... as I can go there because my brother' s friend had a lot of tickets. However, we need to pretend some singer's fans and hold some banners to support them. ~_~" I think it is a good experience for me as we can gain some presents. ( You can see in the pic. )

Sunday, December 18, 2005


'Down down WTO' shouted by the people on the street. WTO is really bad as it make the poor stay at a low standard of living. Why do the rich always want to get ' a fair trade' ??? Maybe they just want to think of their own living... So many reasons, so-called excuses...

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Photos of Operation Dawn - HK

DinnerLittle me

Cross Hill^_^

Beautiful Haha

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Operation Dawn - HK

Today, I was very delighted that I could go to Sai Kung - Dawn Island Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre. Actually, it is not a public place for tourists to so sightseeing. I could go there through YWCA.

Arrived to Sai Kung, we bought something snacks to there as our lunch and we saw a dog lied on the floor in front of the restaurant. (you can see the pic. haha... ) Then, we took a ferry about 50 mins. When we disembarked, we got a book, called The Needle the Pill and the Saviour. This book was a new book in 30 years ago but it was hidden in the store so that the Island's people gave us to read. In fact, this activity was like a gathering. After the lunch, we divided into different groups to sighseeing around the Island. That's really wonderful!

Then, we had some sharing with the rehabilitated drug users . I think they are so strong to fight the spirit and mind so that I appreciate them. By the way, they are provided holistic Christian treatment, which takes care of the body, mind and spirit together. Therefore, all of them are Christians. In the place, there is no electricity and water supply. When the people live in there, they need to use cold water having a bath at winter. That's poor! If I have money, I would donate some money to build up some facilities for the rehabilitated drug users to improve their living place. Giving a good chance to correct their past, I think it would be better than the people having a jail in order to pinish their mistakes.

Finally, we went to Carol's Cafe to have a dinner - a cheese chafing dish.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Graduation Ceremony

I have already finished 5 years studies in Lee Kau Yan Memorial School. Now I am a Form 6 student. I think the HKCEE is a big change for me as many friends and classmates had to leave the school and develop the other aspects of their future. Promoted to Form 6, I think it is much harder than Form 5. I don't have enough confidence to promote any Universities but I will try the best. After 2 years, we will have another graduation ceremony. What will be changed? Maybe we look like an elder. Haha...
Actually, I didn't join the graduation ceremony as I needed to help the domestic teacher make some snacks to serve the guests, teachers and graduated students. That made me miss an opportunity.
By the way, when we finished the graduation ceremony, I joined my friends to have a dessert.