clm825: October 2005 Example

Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics


i am a normal person.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

My Friend's Birthday(1)

My friend & I --->Crazy people ---->

Although I was quite busy, I had to celebrate with my friend as today is her birthday. ;) My friend has known me form Form 1 and we went through the secondary school life about 5 years. In these 5 years, I am really delighted that she can understand and help me a lot. That' s grateful that I can make friend with her. Moreover, we studied at the same class in these 5 years. However, she has gone. She can' t study with me together in Form 6. :-( By the way, we would date with each other keeping in touch. Sometimes, I would phone her telling about my new school life and she also tells me about her newest stuff happened on her.
Even though we just invited her to go out having a dessert and giving her a present, the happiest thing is that we could gather together. Then, we went to a park and took a lot of photos.
When I went home, I thought a lot of delighted memories in my mind. I discovered I am becoming an adult. Will I still keep in touch with my best friends in the future forever? I hope so. :)

My Friend's Birthday(2)

Although there is a small birthday cake,
maybe she has a big wish -->

Caution !!! ------>

Let' s enjoy! --->

Sunday, October 23, 2005

School Camp(1)

Peer Pizza --->

School Camp(2)

On October 21 (Fri) & 22 (Sat),I joined a school camp regarding leader taining. This year, I am a peer counselling so that I need to help the Form 3 and Form 4 students deal with some problems (such as homework, schoolmates, campus, mentality, etc) about Form 1 students. Therefore, we are as if the oldest sisters/ brothers in the school.In the camp, we needed to divide into different groups firstly. And then, we had to make a group' s name. Our group was called "Peer Pizza". Why we called this name of our group? It' s because we are peer counselling so that we used "Peer" this word, then as we are from different classes so that we are like the "Pizza" that having differet stuff within. After that, we had to go out buying something food for our dinner and the next day' s breakfast. We used the stove to cook the dinner for 20 people above, it was so difficult to serve the food. However, we did and everyone could enjoy the dinner. When we all finished the task, the time was 11.00PM. But we couldn' t sleep as we had a dancing night in the school hall until 1.00AM. Although I was tired, I really enjoyed the night! Moreover, I have never tried it at school. Finally, we also needed to write down some feeling about the camp. About 2.00AM, we needed to set up a tent in the playground, then we counld sleep. That' s really tiring! In addition, we had to get up at 7.00AM.On the next day, we started our breakfast but I couldn' t get enough as the time was very short. Then, we played some games that trained our co-operation and we needed to put our heads together thinking the best way to compete the tasks. Through the activities, I knew communication is extremely important to advance in success when we had a lot of people that gathered together.I am very delighted that I can get the experience in the camp. Also, I had an amazing night in the school.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

No-regret Decision

There was no special things happened. However, when I went home, I got a call that is my sister. She asked me did I have any interest in joining the Leon Lai' s concert. Since I had a lot of work to do and I need to review my test on tomorrow, I rejected her. Moreover, I didn' t want to go out at night. But my sister called me again as she didn' t find any friends to go with her enjoying the concert. Hence, I promised her. She dated me at Hung Hom KCR station at 8 pm. Then, we went to there together. In fact, it' s my first time to go there. Going into the hall, it' s filled with people. The concert' s starting time is 8.15pm but it started at 8.30pm. Actucally, there were many fans to shake our beautiful sticks in the dark. When Leon was singing, his fans screamed. If I were the singer Leon Lai, I would be very excited and happy that the fans support me for a long time. In the concert, there were some acrobatics show. That' s very wonderful! At the ending, we had a chance to hold the singer' s hand. I am glad that I could touch him. ^^ By the way, I took a lot of photos in the concert. (But I don' t why I can' t post the photos on the blogger. Maybe my computer' s problem. If I have chance, I will show them.)
Finally, my sister caught a taxi with me as she wanted me to review and finish my homework as soon as possible. I went home at 11.15pm. Then, I finished all my work at midnight. I just have 3 hours to sleep. I'm very tired. However, I have no regret at all because I could enjoy a great show!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Free to feel

Today is Chung Yeung Festival holiday. I don' t need to sweep the grave as my family has already done it at Ching Ming Festival. Therefore I dated with my friends to go shopping as the autumn is coming. ^^ We went to TST first. And then, we caught the MTR to Mong Kok. We bought some snacks as our lunch. We went shopping started at about 2 o' clock, then we finished at 6 o' clock. All of us felt very tired. We went to KFC having our dinner.

John, do you remember you asked me why hongkongers always need to wait? I know the answer, but it just about eating aspects. During the dinner, I saw a westerner ate a lot of food and he finished very fast. Then, he went away. Actucally, we started the dinner before the man. Moreover, I discovered hongkongers like talking while we have a meal. After the meal, we are still talking.

Hence, we spend a lot of time on talking, not eating. If there are many people need to wait the seats for meal, we have to wait until the people stop talking.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Today' s weather is quite good as it' s no raining. In the morning, I changed the trousers and joined the long jump. Althought I' m not good in it and I didn' t get any awards, I enjoyed the process very much because everybody can do their best to be the champion.

Actually, I joined the long jump since I was primary five. I think the activity is quite funny as you need to run fast, then you use a leg to jump towards the sand. As it' s sand, so you didn' t feel it will hurt you. However, your shoes will get a lot of sand inside.

Sport days hold in every year. Therefore, every sport days I would join it as it' s a chance to move our body in the sport ground. In typical days, we just sit in the classroom and listen to the teachers what they teach. And every cycle, we just have 2 lessons for PE. I think it is very less for us to move our body.

I don' t know why the tv advertisment always suggest us doing exercise at lease 30 mins a day. There is no time for students to do any exercises although doing exercise is good for our health and it can make us stronger. In fact, why we always sit and teahers need to stand in the class? I think we would change the style of the traditional lessons. Sitting or standing for a long time, both are not good.

By the way, today also is Katie' s birthday. After the sport day, I invited her to go out having a dinner with our friends. Then, she went home taking a shower . During the time, I dated with another friends to prepare a present for Katie. Haha... We' re very happy that we can join together to celebrate Katie' s birthday. Finished the dinner, we went another place to enjoy desserts.That' s a nice day for everyone

Making Dolls Thinking Kids

<---My mood is like the picture because today is a holiday.

Today is Staff Development Day so students don' t need to go to school. However, I need to go to school help the teacher make the dolls for the Form One students. ~_~ The dolls can decorate with the clothes. On the other hand, the dolls can encourage the Form One students to join the House. Actually, the Form One students are very cute as they also ask you something innocent questions. It' s so amusing! Sometime, I really dunno how to answer their questions. ^^
For most people, form one students are wild animals. They like screaming, running, playing everytime. We seldom see them sitting for a long time. On the first sport day, they could sit down and speak loud in order to encourage the other students being ambition to win the competition. Therefore, we should give them some encouragement to keep their interest to help our house .

Sunday, October 02, 2005

National Day

Every National Day is a public holiday.
Therefore, being a student is very happy.

On the day, I had a BBQ again. ^^ This time we had 9 people to go barbecue. Do you think there are most of people? In the morning, we joined together. Then, we divided into two groups in order to buy different things. One of the group bought some food that is raw and fresh. Another bought some forks, plates, water, carbon and honey in the supermarket. When we finished the shopping, we took a taxi to Lion Rock. Oh... there were filled with people! We had to wait for the people until they went. We used about four hours for waiting. ~_~ Actually, when we were waiting, one of my friends sang a song, then, a woman asked her couldn't you sing the song as I don' t want to listen any music. Although we were waiting and it made us all felt very tired, I felt it is so funny. By the way, we could enjoy the process of the whole activity. Moreover, we' ll find some people reserve for the bbq' s place next time so that we don' t need to spend too much time on waiting. ;) Then, we toook a lot of photos to leave our memory. Finished the barbecue, we played some games, such as, walking on the diffierent rock. It' s very painful !!! we not only need to pair up and use the rope to tie the foot walking together. But also we need to drink a cup of the water at the end. It' s quite funny but my feet are not funny! ( John, do you know walking on this types of rock is good for our health? Many elders like doing this activity in the morning. )
When we were playing, we heard the sound. Do you know what sound did we hear? As you know today is National Day, so we would display the fire work. We could hear the sound but we couldn' t see anything, just lots of grey cloud. Finally, we went home at night. ^^ Today really is a nice day as I can enjoy the bbq and the games very much.
